5 Steps To Focus And Relax
Can’t focus? Experiencing pain in your back and neck?
Implement this short routine into your week.
A1. 50/50/50 weight shifts
A2. Hip circles - 3x both directions
B1. Bilateral arm swing - 60 seconds
B2. Object balance head - accumulate 30-60 seconds
C. Wuji stance - 60 seconds
Repeat A-C for 1-3 sets
The ability to “stand still” asks for a way of standing that requires minimal effort.
Finding a balanced position, erase tension in the arms and lengthen the spine. Learn how to focus for longer moments in time.
Just 1 minute a day will plant a seed in the unconscious that will grow into agency over time. It becomes a state of being that is present most of the time or can at least be revoked at will.
Waiting in line.
While riding your bike.
When hugging a friend.
When feeling the urge to move.
All moments for subtle hidden magic…
…making the “day-to-day” moments to remember.