Is Hiddenbody

for you?

Here are a few pointers to answer the question:

  • You want to be physically active in a playful way.

  • You are looking for a personal approach.

  • You see your body as an opportunity for discovery.

  • You want to develop strength, flexibility and skills like the handstand.

Do any of these points resonate?

Fill in our introduction form and get a personal recommendation.

“Your body is a condensation of your mind and your mind is an evaporation of your body.”

— Marcello Palozzo

Our physical education…

…is developed around the ideas and methods of our ongoing Human Movement Studies with Marcello Palozzo.

We take you into an exploration through different disciplines, sports and games to have more authentic experiences, discover yourself and to discover the potential of your body.

With the goal to develop:

physical literacy, the ability to talk with and to your body.

From letters to words, from words to sentences and from sentences to an entire non-verbal language.

Experience (it for) yourself.

Student stories

Since 2015 we have educated hundreds of students through our Movement studies and the results have been transformational. But do not take these words at face value.

Just watch Adriaan, Juul and Christo share their stories.

  • Fill in our application form below and we will contact you personally for an introduction tailored to your specific needs.

  • All you need is a body. That’s it. We will take care of everything else.

  • We believe that the best start is a personal one that works for you. If you want an introduction tailored to your unique needs from someone who genuinely cares, please fill in the form.

  • Yes, but only in very specific scenarios and depending on your level of physical development. Fill in the form to get more information.