Hiddenbody Amsterdam Jori.jpg

At Hiddenbody you study Human Movement with beginners and experienced practitioners. Increase your strength. Improve your flexibility. Develop skills like a handstand. And discover the value of Human Movement for your body and mind.

Our teaching triangle

Forever students.

  • Co-founder

    Rich has an MSc in Human Resource Management with a focus on psychology.

    He is one of the 40 students in the Human Movement Studies by Marcello Palozzo.

    His story began as a co-creator of Europe's first dedicated movement school shortly after starting his study into Movement in 2015.

    In 2021, he started Hiddenbody to direct his attention toward unique one-size-fits-one Movement education.

    Rich loves teaching his son how to climb chairs and juggle eggs for no apparent reason.

  • Co-founder

    Jori has a Bachelor in dance and performing arts.

    In 2018 she became an active student within the movement practice.
    After studying online with Shai Faran, she expanded her personal research by beginning as one of the 40 students in the Human Movement Studies program under Marcello Palozzo for the coming 5 years.

    Jori loves morning pandiculations, humming during bike rides and going for a random stroll.

  • Head teacher

    Tim has embodied the Movement Practice since 2019.

    After 3 years of consistent practice, he became the first and leading Apprentice student at Hiddenbody.

    In 2022 he attended the unique Environmental Movement Practice workshop by the stellar innovator in the field of Movement and is now an active student in the Human Movement Studies program for the coming 5 years.

    Tim is a connoisseur of well-timed jokes and unexpected smiles. Underneath his sharp sense of humor, you will find a deep dedication for his practice and a profound love for flavorful espresso.

Student story

Click to watch Adriaan’s transformation.

Strength. Flexibility. Handstands.

Click on the button below to join the school.